Sustained demand contraction causes bankruptcies

Optimistic scenarios of Covid-19 impacted the economies all across the globe were expecting a V-shape recovery, and subsequently rebound in one or two quarters. Following this logic you would inject liquidity into the market similar to what has been done for the last decade of low interest rates and give government guarantees.

Unfortunately this scenario was unrealistic. If Covid-19 is as dangerous as we thought it is, the only realistic scenario is to have a vaccine in place. Economic subjects were consider this and built this information in their expectations.

This resulted in a structural change in the economies, which will led to people saving more money for bridging potential income reductions due to unemployment. This in turn had an effect on demand in the mid- and long-term meanwhile. The lower demand will pay it’s dues. Market players, which have relatively high fixed costs compared to competition and are overleveraged will be cleaned up from the market. Market players that were able to restructure and are cost leaders in their industries will have the best chances to survive the upcoming recession.

We must take into consideration now that a wave of bankruptcies arise. A logic consequence is to evaluate your customers, suppliers, stocks, the value of a company you want to acquire, and last but not least your own company’s default risks.

One very effective solution is to use Emerald Rating product platforms.

For further insides we recommend the article by Paul Hodges published in  on July 19th 2020 with the title “Bankruptcies now the key risk as hopes for V-shaped recovery disappear”.


Author: Danny Kaltenborn

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